Family Law

Civil Partnership Orders Solicitors Essex

The Civil Partnership Act of 2004 allows couples over the age of 16 to register their relationship and The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act of 2013 allows couples of the same sex to marry and enter into civil partnerships. It is a great option if you do not want a traditional ceremony and it grants couples a number of legal rights.

Both forming and dissolving civil partnerships however, are complex legal processes that require the help of an experienced solicitor. Our vast experience with civil partnerships can help you learn and understand more about this trying legal hurdle.

Our specialist team of family lawyers can help you understand more about the financial matters involved, cohabitation orders, parental responsibility and pre- and post-partnership agreements to help protect both parties.

We offer a caring approach to the process of both forming and dissolving civil partnerships, helping you make the right decision and right path for you.


Dissolving a Civil Partnership

The procedure to dissolve a civil partnership reflects the procedure for divorce in that the dissolution can only begin one year or more after the formation of the civil partnership or marriage. In addition, the person seeking to dissolve the civil partnership or divorce must demonstrate that the relationship has irretrievably broken down.

As with no-fault divorce, when dissolving a civil partnership there are no longer any grounds/facts that need to be relied on.